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Since 1998, Alden Hosting is a provider of business-class Web hosting to small- and medium-sized businesses, providing professional, efficient, and reliable services. We provide everything you need to get your business on the Internet. We make it easy and affordable. Alden Hosting's feature-rich hosting plans and excellent 7 days a week toll-free customer support empower you to efficiently build a Web business that will grow with your changing needs.

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domain web hosting domain web hosting If your web application is a quality one, the Private JVM can be run for long periods of time, providing the best performance. On contrary, some hosting companies offer Shared JVM. Such Shared JVM usually holds dozens (or hundreds) web sites, and if one of web application screws things up (consuming all JVM memory, for example) - all hosted web sites suffer. Shared JVMs tend to possess uncollectible garbage over time; for this reason, Shared JVM is restarted regularly which seriously affects performance and causes some of your web site visitors to see error messages when restart takes place. Web Hosting Glossary - Java Server Pages (JSP) Actions" JSP ActionsJSP actions are XML tags that invoke built-in web server functionality.

domain web hosting The following actions are provided: jsp:include Similar to a subroutine, the Java servlet temporarily hands the request and response off to the specified JavaServer Page. Control will then return to the current JSP, once the other JSP has finished. Using this, JSP code will be shared between two other JSPs, rather than duplicated. jsp:param Can be used inside a jsp:include, jsp:forward or jsp:params block. Specifies a parameter that will be added to the request's current parameters.

domain web hosting jsp:forward Used to hand off the request and response to another JSP or servlet. Control will never return to the current JSP. jsp:plugin Older versions of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer used different tags to embed an applet. This action generates the browser specific tag needed to include an applet. jsp:fallback The content to show if the browser does not support applets.

domain web hosting jsp:getProperty Gets a property from the specified Java bean. jsp:setProperty Sets a property in the specified Java bean. jsp:useBean Creates or re-uses a Java bean available to the JSP page. Web Hosting Glossary - Java Server Pages (JSP) Directives" JSP directivesJSP directives control how the JSP compiler generates the servlet. The following directives are available: include – The include directive informs the JSP compiler to include a complete file into the current file.

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