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html web site developer html web site developer In Java an int can have a value between -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. More types will be forthcoming.Then we initialize the variables using statements like "lower = 0". This sets lower's initial value to 0. When used this way the equals sign is called the assignment operator.

html web site developer After establishing the initial values for all our variables we go into the loop which does the main work of our program. At the beginning of each iteration of the loop (fahr <= upper) checks to see if the value of fahris in fact less than or equal to the current value of upper. If it is then the computer executes the statements in the loop block (everything between "while loop begins here" and "while loop ends here".) Loops in Java are marked off by matching pairs of braces and may be nested. celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9; actually calculates the Celsius temperature given the fahrenheit temperature.

html web site developer The arithmetic operators here do exactly what you'd expect. * means multiplication. - is subtraction. / is division; and +, though not used in here, is addition. Precedence follows normal algebraic conventions, and can be rearranged through parentheses.

html web site developer Java contains an almost complete set of arithmetic operators. Like C it is missing an exponentiation operator. For exponentiation you need to use the pow methods in the java.lang.Math package.

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