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inexpensive jsp pages inexpensive jsp pages 0 so we'll need to multiply the result by the applet's height and width to get a reasonably sized rectangle that fits into our applet space. To do this we'll create the following Randomize method:private int Randomize( int range ) { double rawResult; rawResult = Math.random(); return (int) (rawResult * range);}This method forces the result of Math.random into an int in the range we require. Pay special attention to the last line.

inexpensive jsp pages When you see a raw type in parentheses like (int) or (float) it's a cast. Casts change one value type into another. Thus here we're changing a double into an int. The cast rounds as necessary.Casting in Java is safer than in C or other languages that allow arbitrary casting.

inexpensive jsp pages Java only lets casts occur when they make sense, such as a cast between a float and an int. However you can't cast between an int and a String for example.//Draw a rectangleimport java.applet.Applet; import java.

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