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Since 1998, Alden Hosting is a provider of business-class Web hosting to small- and medium-sized businesses, providing professional, efficient, and reliable services. We provide everything you need to get your business on the Internet. We make it easy and affordable. Alden Hosting's feature-rich hosting plans and excellent 7 days a week toll-free customer support empower you to efficiently build a Web business that will grow with your changing needs.

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server side includes server side includes Instead, clear the whole screen and then display the text. -c Do not scroll. Instead, paint each screen from the top, clearing the remainder of each line as it is displayed. -s Squeeze multiple blank lines into one. -u Suppress underlining.

server side includes +/ The +/ option specifies a string that will be searched for before each file is displayed. +num Start at line number num. COMMANDS Interactive commands for more are based on vi(1). Some commands may be preceded by a decimal number, called k in the descriptions below. In the following descriptions, ^X means control-X.

server side includes h or ? Help: display a summary of these commands. If you forget all the other commands, remember this one. SPACE Display next k lines of text. Defaults to current screen size. f Skip forward k screenfuls of text.

server side includes Defaults to 1. b or ^B Skip backwards k screenfuls of text. Defaults to 1. Only works with files, not pipes. ' Go to place where previous search started.

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