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Since 1998, Alden Hosting is a provider of business-class Web hosting to small- and medium-sized businesses, providing professional, efficient, and reliable services. We provide everything you need to get your business on the Internet. We make it easy and affordable. Alden Hosting's feature-rich hosting plans and excellent 7 days a week toll-free customer support empower you to efficiently build a Web business that will grow with your changing needs.

Site Map
affordable private tomcat hosting affordable private tomcat hosting The page title and description are often used as the website listing in the search results. Alternative text (ALT tag): Mouse over an image, and you may see a text box appear if the Web designer has used alternative text. Try to use a different, but related, phrase for each ALT tag on a page. Page copy: The keywords you want your site to rank well for must be in your page copy. The thought is, if your site visitors can see them, then your page is relevant for those terms.

affordable private tomcat hosting Hyperlinks within your site: Don't link "click here" copy to other pages within your site. Hyperlink keyword phrases instead, because search engines follow these links and the keywords in them. 8. Contact the search engines. Once your site's optimized, a majority of search engines need to be notified to crawl your site.

affordable private tomcat hosting Unfortunately, most search engines now require an inclusion fee. It may be a per-URL fee, a fixed per-click fee on any site rankings you achieve, or a combination of both. Inktomi, Overture and Teoma are examples. Google is still free and will index your site on its own; however, you can use the "Add URL" form if your site isn't in its database. 9.

affordable private tomcat hosting Use pay-per-click search engines to boost traffic. PPC search engines are great because once you've done your homework and chosen the keywords people will use to find you in the search engines, it's easy to attract visitors who are interested in what you have to offer, often for just a few pennies. For example, let's say you have a site that sells woolen mittens. And you want to rank No. 1 in the search engines for the term "woolen mittens.

affordable private tomcat hosting

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