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Since 1998, Alden Hosting is a provider of business-class Web hosting to small- and medium-sized businesses, providing professional, efficient, and reliable services. We provide everything you need to get your business on the Internet. We make it easy and affordable. Alden Hosting's feature-rich hosting plans and excellent 7 days a week toll-free customer support empower you to efficiently build a Web business that will grow with your changing needs.

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front page hosting front page hosting Functions may call each other and may be recursive. Func- tion parameters used as local variables are initialized to the null string and the number zero upon function invoca- tion. Use return expr to return a value from a function. The return value is undefined if no value is provided, or if the function returns by "falling off" the end. extension(object, function) Dynamically link the shared object file named by object, and invoke function in that object, to perform initialization.

front page hosting These should both be pro- vided as strings. Returns the value returned by function. This function is provided and documented in GAWK: Effec- tive AWK Programming, but everything about this feature is likely to change in the next release. We STRONGLY recom- mend that you do not use this feature for anything that you aren't willing to redo. SIGNALS pgawk accepts two signals.

front page hosting SIGUSR1 causes it to dump a profile and function call stack to the profile file, which is either awkprof.out, or whatever file was named with the --profile option. It then continues to run. SIGHUP causes it to dump the profile and function call stack and then exit. EXAMPLES Print and sort the login names of all users: BEGIN { FS = ":" } { print $1 | "sort" } Count lines in a file: { nlines++ } END { print nlines } Precede each line by its number in the file: { print FNR, $0 } Concatenate and line number (a variation on a theme): { print NR, $0 } INTERNATIONALIZATION String constants are sequences of characters enclosed in double quotes.

front page hosting In non-English speaking environments, it is possible to mark strings in the AWK program as requir- ing translation to the native natural language. Such strings are marked in the AWK program with a leading underscore ("_"). For example, gawk 'BEGIN { print "hello, world" }' always prints hello, world. But, This allows gawk to find the .mo file associated with your program.

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