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web hosting shopping cart web hosting shopping cart out.println except that it doesn't break the line after it's finished. Therefore when we reach the next line of code, the cursor is still located on the same line as the word "Hello" and we're ready to print out the name.Command Line ArgumentsOur Hello program still isn't very general. We can't change the name we say hello to without editing and recompiling the source code.

web hosting shopping cart This may be fine for the programmers, but what if the secretaries want their computers to say Hello to them? (I know. This is a little far-fetched but bear with me. I'm making a point.)What we need is a way to change the name at runtime rather than at compile time. (Runtime is when we type java HelloRusty.

web hosting shopping cart Compile time is when we type javac HelloRusty.java). To do this we'll make use of command-line arguments. They allow us to type something like Java Hello Gloria and have the program respond with "Hello Gloria". Here's the code:// This is the Hello program in Java class Hello { public static void main (String args[]) { /* Now let's say hello */ System.

web hosting shopping cart out.print("Hello "); System.out.println(args[0]); }}Compile this program in the javahtml directory as usual and then type java Hello Gloria.This isn't very hard is it? In fact we've even gotten rid of the name variable from the HelloRusty program.

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